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Meet Mattilda, the Mexican School Payment Collection Startup

Mattilda is a SaaS platform that helps private schools in Latin America collect tuition payments and get financing.

📝 Overview

  • 🖊️ Startup Name: Mattilda
  • 📍 Headquarters: Mexico City, Mexico
  • 📅 Year Founded: 2022

🧍 Team

  • José Agote → CEO
  • Juan Pablo Bravo → CFO
  • Adrián Garza → CGO
  • Ileana Gómez → COO
  • Jesús Lanza

🔍 Problem

Collecting payments from parents for school-related expenses can be a time-consuming and inefficient process for schools. According to a study by the Argentine Ministry of Education, 75% of schools in Argentina still use manual processes to collect payments. This can lead to errors, delays, and a lack of transparency in the payment process. Some common challenges are:

  • Cash-based payments: Many parents still pay tuition in cash, which can be time-consuming and inefficient for schools to collect.
  • Long collection cycles: It can take schools several weeks or even months to collect all of the tuition payments that are due.
  • High default rates: A significant number of parents do not pay their tuition on time or in full.
  • Difficult to track payments: Schools often have to manually track tuition payments, which can lead to errors and lost payments.
  • Lack of financing options: Schools often have difficulty getting financing to cover operating costs or unexpected expenses.

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